Mời ký tên tham gia thỉnh nguyên thư “Không Bầu Việt Nam vào Hội Đồng Nhân Quyền Liên Hiệp Quốc”

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Mời ký tên tham gia thỉnh nguyên thư “Không Bầu Việt Nam vào Hội Đồng Nhân Quyền Liên Hiệp Quốc”

Đảng CSVN đang ráo riết vận đồng các quốc gia thành viên trong HĐNQ LHQ để đắc củ̉ vào chủ́c chủ tịch. Vỏ́i một thành tích vi phạm nhân quyền trầm trọng tủ̀ ngày chúng chiếm Sài Gòn 47 năm qua vỏ́i sụ̉ bắt giam tuần qua nhà hoạt động Nguyễn Lâng Thắng, đem tổng số tù nhân chính trị là 209 và 340 nhà hoạt động đang bị hành hung, đe dọa, theo dõi.

Do đó kính mỏ̀i quý bạn đọc tham gia ký tên vào thỉnh nguyện thủ (link dủỏ́i đây) kêu gọi các quốc gia thảnh viên “KHÔNG BẦU VIỆT NAM VÀO HỘI ĐỒNG NHÂN QUYỀN LIÊN HIỆP QUỐC NHIỆM KỲ 2023-2025.”

Do not elect Vietnam to the United Nations Human Rights Council for the 2023-2025 term


Vietnam Human Rights Network Mạng Lưới Nhân Quyền Việt Nam started this petition

Show your support for the petition to the United Nations member states to prevent Vietnam from participating in the United Nations Human Rights Council


Do not elect Vietnam to the United Nations Human Rights Council for the 2023-2025 term.

To: The member states of the United Nations

In recent days, the world has been overly shaken by the Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine. Millions of Ukrainians had to flee their homes in many towns destroyed by Russian bombs and thousands massacred, including women and children.

Faced with this heinous crime, on the 7 of April 2022, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution to suspend Russia from the United Nations Human Rights Council. Ninety-three countries voted in favor, 58 abstained, and 24 opposed.

The Socialist Republic of Vietnam was among those who voted against it.

Indeed, those who have followed Vietnam’s stance since the early days of the war in Ukraine are not surprised by the significance of this vote. Vietnam abstained twice when the United Nations General Assembly voted to condemn Russia’s aggression on the 2 and 16 of March. Vietnam’s support for Russia is just the policy of the Communist Party of Vietnam – a totalitarian regime that has ruled the country for more than half a century. This policy completely contradicts the Vietnamese people’s aspirations.

However, despite the record of systematic human rights violations that have lasted for decades and the support for the pro-war stance of dictator Vladimir Putin, the totalitarian regime in Vietnam intends to run for the United Nations Human Rights Council for the 2023-2025 term.

Faced with the risk of the UN Human Rights Council being abused by
members with the worst human rights records, we, the undersigned
Vietnamese organizations and individuals, urgently call on the United
Nations members not to elect Vietnam to the United Nations Human Rights
Council for the 2023-2025 term.

Before looking for membership of the Council, the Vietnamese government must improve its human rights record, strictly enforce international human rights conventions, and contribute to the international community to build a peaceful and prosperous world.

Signatory organizations

  • Vietnam Human Rights Network
  • Defend the Defenders
  • Assembly for Democracy of Vietnam
  • Humanistic Socialist Party
  • The Great Viet Party
  • Vietnam Democracy Federation
  • The Independent Journalists Association
  • Vietnam Democracy Radio
  • Vietnamese Political & Religious Prisoners Friendship Association, USA-Vietnam
  • Ligue vietnamienne des droits de l’homme en Suisse
  • Rallying for Democracy, USA
  • Human Rights Relief Foundation, Australia
  • The Vietnam Restoration Party, USA
  • Vietnam Reform Party, USA
  • Association France-Vietnam d’Entraide, France
  • United Council of Vietnamese Homeland and Overseas, USA
  • la Communauté Vietnamienne de Liège, Belgique
  • Evangelical Lutheran Community Church In America & Vietnam
  • Antelope Valley Vietnamese Association, USA
  • Calgary Vietnamese Canadian Association, Canada
  • Laity Forum Magazine, California, USA
  • Hue Natives Association in New York, USA
  • UniGeneration Montréal, Canada
  • Bloc 8406

This petition will be sent to the United Nations Secretariat in New York

Please sign this petition to urge the United Nations member states not to elect Vietnam to the Human Rights Council.